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Lightweight and small.

We could be talking about a critically ill newborn, but in this case we’re referring to some of the most modern, life-saving pediatric equipment to arrive at the Stollery — all thanks to a $384,000 investment by our donors.Zoll transport monitor and Criticool mini equipment displayed on colourful background

Transporting an infant who’s seriously ill to and through the Stollery requires a lightweight device with extensive monitoring capabilities. The Zoll transport monitor weighs 12 pounds and provides accurate monitoring for ground and air transport teams. This specialized equipment also helps to improve care in remote, rural settings, increasing the chances of a successful transport to the David Schiff Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Stollery.

In addition to the high-tech monitors and defibrillators, donors helped to purchase Criticool Mini body-cooling equipment to help reduce a critically ill child’s body temperature during transport. This portable, compact equipment keeps the patient’s core body temperature at optimal levels and prevents it from fluctuating. The Stollery NICU transport team safely transported 30 infants in 2021 who required body cooling on the way to the Stollery.

Another example of vital, donor-funded equipment is the Vivid IQ ultrasound machine for the Stollery echocardiography (ECHO) lab. This quarter-of-a-milliondollar piece of equipment provides enhanced and advanced heart images to help detect and diagnose cardiac defects in children. With the Stollery being the hub for specialized pediatric heart surgeries in Western Canada, this ultrasound machine is another vital addition to the Stollery care team’s ability to innovate, diagnose and treat pediatric cardiology patients.