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Tax receipts

The Foundation provides official income tax receipts for donations of $25 and over, received in the form of cash, cheque, credit card, debit card, money order and electronic funds transfer.

Our tax receipting policies are based on three things:

  • Our desire to serve you, the donor, to the best of our ability
  • Strict adherence to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requirements
  • Balancing the above with the reality of administration costs to process tax receipts

Receipts that meet the following conditions are issued for the calendar tax year:

  • Donations must be received by, or postmarked on or before, December 31
  • The tax receipt will be issued in the name of the payor of the donation; for example, if the name on the cheque or credit card is Dale Smith, the receipt will be made out to Dale Smith. The exception to this is if the cheque issuer acts as an agent for collecting and remitting donations from various persons/parties (i.e., an employer of an employee fundraising initiative). Donation receipts can be issued to the persons/parties provided that the nature of the monies can be receipted and a complete and legible list of donor information (donor name, address and postal code) is provided to the Foundation.
  • We must receive the full name and address of the donor

We won’t ever accept an in-kind donation item unless we can make good use of it, either because the Hospital has identified a need for that specific item, or it will help us in our fundraising efforts (e.g., auction item). We are happy to discuss with you and, if accepted, will walk you through any CRA requirements such as independent appraisals for higher value items. Learn more about the CRA guidelines.

While we can’t provide tax receipts for gifts of service, the CRA has deemed it acceptable for you to invoice us and then donate the same amount back to us after we make payment (sometimes called a “cheque exchange”). Learn more from the CRA.

Neither sponsorship nor event registration fees are eligible for tax receipts as there is a transactional component to payment. However, sometimes we can provide partial receipting (called “split receipting”) if we deem that the value received by the supporter is less than the price paid. Lottery tickets are never tax eligible for tax receipts. Learn more.

Third party fundraiser organizers are responsible for providing a complete list of donors inclusive of full names, addresses, date of donation and amount for us to issue tax receipts. This must be provided at the time the donation is received and must balance to the total donation amount.

If you have any questions, please contact us.