Meet Beau


After a healthy pregnancy, normal genetic testing and a smooth delivery, Beau’s parents were ready to go home and bond with their baby boy. Unfortunately, Beau’s OB-GYN noticed that Beau had multiple features consistent with congenital abnormalities, pointing to something they just weren’t equipped to handle at their local hospital. Beau’s mom stayed behind to recover, and Beau and his dad were taken to the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton for further testing.

After aspirating during his first feed post-transport, Beau had an NG (nasogastric) tube inserted. As soon as Beau’s mom was able to join her family in Edmonton, she did. Surrounded by his parents, Beau had apnea episode after apnea episode with no clear answers. Once his team at the Stollery was able to start pinpointing the cause, he was transferred to the NICU. When Beau’s team confirmed his diagnoses, his neonatologist and a social worker sat down with his parents to explain what his life may look like in the coming days, weeks and years – with the biggest piece of advice being to go home and love Beau. And that they did just that.

Since his initial diagnosis, Beau’s Stollery team has grown to include neurology, nephrology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. He relies on a feeding tube for fluids and has had multiple hip surgeries. Beau’s family continues to navigate his Stollery story with positivity, love and a grateful heart knowing one of the most specialized children’s hospitals in the world is here in their backyard, supporting them in this journey.

The Stollery has been our home away from home for many nights. The staff there have held our hands, dried our tears and left no stone unturned. We are so grateful to have them by our side.
– Kim, Beau’s mom