Meet Dominic
Dominic loves being outside – skating, bike riding, puddle jumping – you name it! After being born with a rare skin condition, having a stroke and needing both neurology and cardiac care, Dominic loves to see his Stollerific doctor and nurse friends who remind him how brave he is!
After a normal pregnancy, Dominic’s mom went into pre-term labour at 33 weeks. Dominic was born covered in purple spots, and he had a low Apgar score, so he was transferred to the Stollery Children’s Hospital for further testing and treatment. At the Stollery, Dominic was diagnosed with an arteriovenous malformation in both the brain and liver. Unfortunately, the brain malformation had ruptured, causing a significant hemorrhagic stroke and damaging part of his brain, while his liver malformation put him into heart failure.
Several doctors came together to care for Dominic – including a specialist who cut her vacation short to fly back to Edmonton to diagnose Dom’s extremely rare skin condition called diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis. After multiple procedures and surgeries, including heart and brain surgery, and an epilepsy diagnosis, Dominic now has a full Stollery team supporting him and his family. The Stollery is a second home to Dominic, and his family is grateful to have their world-class team behind them.