Meet Sophie


Sophie was born healthy, but during a complicated time for her family as her brother, Dillan, was in the Stollery fighting for his life. As Sophie’s family navigated her brother’s disease, they started seeing signs that something wasn’t quite right with her as well. During one of Dillan’s Stollery appointments, Sophie’s mom asked one of his doctors to take a look at Sophie. After consulting with another doctor, they decided she needed an MRI — they believed Sophie had had a stroke. After many tests and a few stressful days, Sophie was diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy caused by a stroke in utero at approximately 20 weeks gestation.

After Sophie’s diagnosis, a new Stollerific team was introduced to her family. With a severe brain injury like hers, she was never expected to walk, talk or be independent in any way. Once again, Sophie’s family put their trust in the team at the Stollery. Now, thanks to Stollery support, Sophie can not only walk, but she can run! She wears a leg brace and has daily therapy, but overall she is very independent and living her best life.

Unfortunately, in October 2019, Sophie had 10 massive seizures, resulting in unconsciousness. Her Stollery team sent an air ambulance to pick her up from their local Lloydminster hospital. After an emergency MRI, Sophie was diagnosed with epilepsy. She had to relearn how to walk, balance and co-ordinate her movements.

Today, Sophie is excelling at school, back in musical theatre and swimming again! She takes medication to control her seizures and celebrated one year of being seizure-free in August 2022. Her family takes things one day at a time and is grateful the Stollery is here to support them and their children when they need them most.

The doctors and nurses at the Stollery mean the world to me. When things are tough, they’re always there – even after you’re discharged.
– Elizabeth, Sophie’s mom